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2025-2026 Classes
Registration for current/past families starts 1/7.New families may register starting 1/13.

Preschool (3-5 yr olds)
MWF 9am-12pm
MWF 12pm-3pm   
T TH 9am-12pm ​
Full Day Option (4-5 yr olds)
MWF 9am-3pm 
5 Day Option (4-5 yr olds)
M-F morning 9am-12pm
(MWF morning enrichments & TTH morning preschool)

​Children must be 3 years old by September 1, 2025
*We do not offer before or after school care*
In person tours are available by appointment only 

$75 non-refundable enrollment fee must accompany complete enrollment forms to be accepted.
Printable Form can be filled out digitally
​(download to your computer, fill out, save)  and emailed to:
​3-5 Year Old Preschool Classes
MWF 9:00am-12:00pm/MWF 12:00pm-3:00pm/TTH 9:00am-12:00pm

Our preschool classes offer a well rounded preschool experience with a Christian focus. This mixed aged classroom has 3-5 year olds together, with older preschoolers being leaders for their younger peers. A large portion of our sessions are play based with exposure to writing, alphabet and phonics, math, and social/emotional skills. Teachers challenge preschoolers according to their individual development to prepare them for kindergarten. Snack is provided and includes Chapel time and music with Ms. Kristin bi- weekly. Spending time outside either at the Field of Fun park (Castle park) or playing in our grassy area, or climbing the snow mountain in the winter. When the weather keeps children inside, there is a full sized gym with tricycles, balls, and games for large motor activities.

​4-5 Year Old Full Day Classes


MWF 9:00am-3:00pm (9:00am-11:00am enrichments/11:00am-12:00pm lunch/12:00pm-3:00pm preschool classes)
Our full day classes are designed to help preschoolers prepare for full day kindergarten. Children start their day in the enrichment classroom with Pre-K Literacy (Mondays), Pre-K Math (Wednesdays), and Spanish/Science (Fridays) reinforcing skills learned in our preschool classes along with customized activities to challenge and prepare for kindergarten. Children bring a lunch to school and eat before transitioning into the afternoon preschool classroom. Life skills we focus on in our full day classes: Self regulation, managing time, being responsible for their personal items, and working together in small groups. Academic skills: Writing, fine motor, listening, phonics, alphabet recognition (upper and lowercase), numbers 0-20, phone number, simple addition, subtraction, making predictions, cause and effect. Spanish skills: colors, numbers, simple words/phrases, songs, listening to Spanish and English stories. 

At noon, preschoolers transition to the preschool classroom for preschool sessions.

​4-5 Year Old 5 Mornings Classes


M-F 9:00am-12:00pm
Our 5 morning option for 4-5 year olds include MWF morning Pre-K enrichment classes and TTH preschool classes. Children bring a lunch on MWF and go home at noon each day.

© 2024 Rainbow School

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